Meet the Latinx Leaders Bringing Community Violence Intervention Programs to Their Communities
Research on Community Level Interventions for Firearm and Related Violence, Injury and Mortality Prevention
A competitive grant program to fund ten community-level research projects on community-level violence interventions aimed at preventing firearm violence and mortalities. Eligibility Eligible Applicants: StatesLocal…
Coordinating Center to Support Research on Community Level Interventions for Firearm and Related Violence, Injury and Mortality Prevention
A competitive grant program for a Coordinating Center to provide overarching support to a network of separately funded research projects that…
Community Violence Prevention: Putting Communities First – Safer Communities and Saving Lives
A competitive grant program to fund community-driven collaborative applicants to build and increase local CV capacity and support funded recipients to establish a community-driven prevention…
Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
A competitive grant program to support research projects to develop and test prospective community-level interventions to improve minority health and decrease health disparities. Eligibility Eligible…
Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER)
A competitive grant program to improve reporting of nonfatal firearm injuries, including overall firearm injuries, intentional self-directed firearm injuries, unintentional firearm injuries, and assault- related…
Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury (R01)
A competitive grant program to fund research that will help expand and advance understanding of approaches to prevent community violence and eliminate racial and ethnic…
Preventing Violence Affecting Young Lives
A competitive grant to fund community level violence prevention programs that address multiple forms of violence impacting adolescents and young adults in communities with high…
Young Adult Reentry Partnership
A competitive grant to support education and employment training to young adults ages 18-24 who have previous involvement with juvenile or criminal justice systems. Eligibility…
YouthBuild (Part of WIOA)
A competitive grant to support education, employment training, and social services to youth ages 16-24. Eligibility Eligible Applicants: StatesLocal governmentsNonprofits Eligible Community Violence Intervention…
Workforce Pathways for Youth
A competitive grant to expand job training and workforce pathways for youth and disconnected youth. Eligibility Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits Eligible Community Violence Intervention Programs:…
Promise Neighborhood
A competitive grant to improve the academic and developmental outcomes of children living in the most distressed communities of the United States, including ensuring school…
Full Service Community Schools
A competitive grant for the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children…
Project Prevent
A competitive grant to local educational agencies to increase their capacity both to identify, assess, and serve students exposed to pervasive violence. Eligibility Eligible Applicants:…
Student Support and Academic Enrichment
A formula grant to improve student’s academic achievement through well-rounded education, improved school conditions, and improved use of technology. Eligibility Eligible Applicants: States Eligible Community…
21st Century Learning Centers
A formula grant to support community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing…
Annual Formula Community Development Block Grant
A formula grant to states and local governments to create safe and sustainable communities, including via public services. Eligibility Eligible Community Violence Intervention Programs:…
Community Development Block Grant – CV Funds
A formula grant made available through the CARES Act to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Eligibility Eligible Community Violence Intervention Programs: Street…
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative
A competitive grant to support locally-driven, comprehensive approaches to neighborhood transformation. Eligibility Eligible Community Violence Intervention Programs: Group Violence Intervention Street Outreach Crime Prevention…
National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention
A competitive grant program to fund research that expands the evidence base for the prevention of community violence involving youth ages 10-34 years. Eligibility Eligible…
Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research
A competitive grant to fund the research and development of pilot interventions, including community-based violence intervention programs, to reduce firearm injuries and mortalities. Eligibility Eligible…
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance
A formula grant to states to support victim services, including community-based violence intervention and prevention programs providing services to victims of violence. Eligibility Eligible Community…
Center for Culturally Responsive Victim Services
A competitive grant to provide nationwide training and technical assistance to improve access to victim services and victim compensation to crime victims in historically underserved…
Hospital-Based Victim Services Program
A competitive grant program to support collaboration between hospitals and victim services, including services provided by community-based violence intervention and prevention programs. Eligibility Eligible Community…