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  1. To elevate the lives of the 49 lives that were taken from us on June 12, 2016.
  2. To elevate the local Coalition members.
  3. To elevate the work Florida LGBTQ+ advocates have done this year to combat anti-LGBTQ+ political attacks.

Please note:

“Latinx” is a gender-neutral term that includes all members of communities, however, we recognize that not everyone in our communities use the term. Please use terms and language that resonates with your audiences when posting i.e. Latino, Latina, Hispanic, etc. 

LGBTQ+ is the inclusive queer term which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer and/or questioning. While terms like this attempt to acknowledge many different groups, it’s worth noting that the LGBTQ+ community is arguably not one group, but rather it is made up of many separate subsects not all in agreement on all terminology.

About The Coalition for Pulse

Formed in 2021, the Coalition works to center the Latinx and Black LGBTQ+ communities of Orlando, Florida while remembering and honoring the lives of the 49 lives that were taken from us on June 12, 2016.

To date, the Coalition includes QLatinx, Contigo Fund, Peer Support Space, The LGBT+ Center Orlando, the OnePulse Foundation, Equality Florida, One Orlando Alliance, Equality Federation Institute, GLAAD, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

Pulse Coalition Members Twitter Handles

Local Coalition Partners

  • QLatinx: @qlatinx
  • Contigo Fund: @ContigoFund
  • Peer Support Space: @PeerHealing
  • One Orlando Alliance: @OneOrlandoAll
  • LGBT Center Orlando: @lgbtcenterorl
  • OnePulse Foundation: @onepulseorg

Other Coalition Partners

  • Equality Federation Institute: @equalityfed
  • Equality Florida: @equalityFL
  • GLAAD: @glaad
  • Human Rights Campaign Foundation: @humanrightscampaign
  • Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund: @everytown

Sample Social Media Posts

Use these sample language on your social media. Be sure to download the corresponding images for your posts!


  • #Pulse6YearsLater
  • #RememberPulse
  • #Pulse6AnosDespues
  • #DisarmHate


It’s been six years since 49 lives were stolen from us, yet hate-fueled violence and legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ people are constant threats. We #RememberPulse, grieve the lives taken, and work for LGBTQ+ equality and prevent gun violence.


Han pasado seis años desde que nos arrebataron 49 vidas, pero la violencia impulsada por el odio y los ataques legislativos a las personas LGBTQ+ son amenazas constantes. Nosotros, #RememberPulse, lloramos por las vidas arrebatadas y trabajamos por la igualdad LGBTQ+ y la prevención de la violencia armada.


When acts of hate and politicians threaten to divide us, we come together. We #RememberPulse with those who work to #DisarmHate: @qlatinx @ContigoFund @PeerHealing @OneOrlandoAll @lgbtcenterorl & @onepulseorg and @equalityfed @equalityFL @glaad @humanrightscampaign


Cuando los actos de odio y los políticos amenazan con dividirnos, nos unimos. Nosotros, #RememberPulse, con aquellos que trabajan para #DisarmHate: @qlatinx @ContigoFund @PeerSupportSpace @OneOrlandoAll @lgbtcenterorl & @onepulseorg y @equalityfed @equalityFL @glaad @humanrightscampaign


Honoring the memories of the lives cut short at Pulse—and the many other LGBTQ+ people whose lives have been taken or forever changed by hate and violence—means taking action to #DisarmHate. #Pulse6YearsLater


Honrar la memoria de las vidas que fueron truncadas en Pulse, y las de muchas otras personas LGBTQ+ cuyas vidas han sido segadas o cambiadas para siempre por el odio y la violencia, significa tomar medidas para #DisarmHate. #Pulse6YearsLater

Sample Copy for the End of Your Instagram Post


Visit the link in (my/our) bio to read survivor stories, and share their stories using the #RememberPulse and #Pulse6AñosDespués hashtags.

Attach this link to your bio:


Visite el enlace en (mi/nuestra) biografía para leer historias de sobrevivientes y compartir sus historias usando las etiquetas #RememberPulse, #Pulse6YearsLater.

Adjunte este enlace a su biografía:

Download These Images for Instagram (English)

Control deslizante de declaraciones en redes sociales para Instagram (Español)

Research to Elevate

Disarm Hate: the Deadly Intersection of Guns and Hate Crimes

When LGBTQ+ people’s rights and existence is put up for debate, it creates a culture in which hate-motivated crimes are commonplace. Hate is far more deadly when armed with a gun. We must work to #DisarmHate. #RememberPulse


Anti-trans violence is an epidemic, especially for Black trans women. State lawmakers who are ramping up anti-trans rhetoric and attacks on trans rights add to a culture of transphobia. #DisarmHate #Pulse6YearsLater