GovGrant Navigator
Find Gun Violence Prevention Grants for Your Organization
Everytown’s GovGrant Navigator is a tool to help you identify federal grant programs that provide funding & resources to prevent gun violence in your community. (Read Disclaimer)
Select the type of applicant you are.
For example, are you a local government, a school district, a nonprofit organization, etc.?
Apply filters to narrow your results.
For example, are you looking for funds for a specific kind of program, or in a specific state?
Verify elegibility and application requirements
Navigate to the associated grant website to verify the latest information before applying.
Funding Tips & Tricks
There are many federal grant programs that can provide funding, resources, and support for efforts to prevent and address gun violence, but navigating these grant programs can be challenging. In addition to Everytown's GovGrant Navigator, here are some other tools, tips, & tricks:
Sign up for email updates provides information on all federal grants, and individual federal agencies and grant offices also have websites that provide detailed information on the grant programs. For many of these agencies and offices, you can sign up to receive email updates when new grant opportunities arise.
Visit Grants.govSeek help from your legislator
Senators and Members of Congress have staff who can help with grant opportunities — whether that’s identifying eligible grants or submitting a letter of support for your application. You may want to reach out to your Senators and/or Member of Congress to discuss options and opportunities.
Find your LegislatorsGet started early
Use the GovGrant Navigator to identify grants that you may be eligible for and to research application requirements. Federal agencies and offices that administer these grants often provide FAQs and host webinars and other information that may be helpful in putting together a grant application.
Get StartedGrant programs may change based on congressional and agency action. The GovGrant Navigator represents the most recent information made available to the public by the grantmaking agency as of the date of the Navigator’s last update. The agency administering the grant program is the official source for information, and the Navigator links you to relevant information provided by those agencies.
Everytown cannot guarantee that all data provided in the GovGrant Navigator is accurate nor that the Navigator represents all of the federal grants that can be used for gun violence prevention or related efforts. Rather, the data in the Navigator represents the most recent data made available to the public by the grantmaking agency as of the date of the Navigator’s last update, with Everytown making assessments as to what purpose areas can be funded by particular grant programs for the grants that Everytown has included in the Navigator. These grants may also have additional eligibility requirements not included in the Navigator. Changes or updates made by agencies to grant programs may not always be reflected in this information.