NEA School Gun Violence Prevention and Response Guide
Shoot First Laws Are A License to Kill
Shoot First, also known as Stand Your Ground, laws allow a person to use deadly force in a confrontation without any duty to retreat.
Black History Month: Key Research Stats
Gun Violence Survivors The trauma of gun violence does not end when the experience of gun violence stops. Experiencing gun violence has lasting impacts on…
Background Checks on All Gun Sales
Background checks are the foundation of any comprehensive gun violence prevention strategy.
Impact of Gun Violence on Historically Marginalized Communities
Gun violence affects every person in America, but the weight of this crisis is not felt equally across demographic groups.
A Resource Guide for Students Experiencing America’s Gun Violence Epidemic
Students in the United States must consistently navigate the threat of gun violence in schools. Here is some information that may help.
Talking to Children About Mass Violence in Schools: A Resource for Teachers and School Staff
Here are some helpful tips for teachers and school staff to approach the conversation about an incident of gun violence with a child.
Talking to Children About Gun Violence
We know children are affected by gun violence in our country. Here are some helpful tips to approach the conversation with a child.
Youth Attitudes on Guns
To better understand youth attitudes about guns, Everytown for Gun Safety, SPLC, and PERIL teamed up to study youth attitudes toward guns.
Guía de medios de comunicación de prevención de la violencia con armas de fuego para latinos
Este es un esfuerzo destinado a proporcionar un recurso para las comunidades de habla hispana sobre la violencia con armas en español.
Shooting Straight: Appendices
View the Original Report Shooting Straight: What TV Stories Tell Us About Gun Safety, How These Depictions Affect Audiences, and How…
Shooting Straight: What TV Stories Tell Us About Gun Safety, How These Depictions Affect Audiences, and How We Can Do Better
This research project explores how often gun safety and prevention measures are portrayed or discussed in entertainment media.
Armed Extremism
Guns and gun rights are central to many extreme-right groups and individuals.
Five Things to Know About Crime Guns, Gun Trafficking, and Background Checks
Background checks are the foundation of efforts to keep guns from prohibited individuals, but that foundation has dangerous cracks.
Waiting Periods
Creating a buffer between someone having a suicidal crisis and access to a gun can be the difference between life and death.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence and gun violence are deeply interconnected, impacting millions of women, families, and communities across the U.S.
Gun suicide claims the lives of nearly 25,000 people in America every year.
Responsible Gun Ownership
All gun owners should be educated on the risks associated with guns and the best practices for storing them securely.
Police Violence
Every year, police in America shoot and kill more than 1,000 people, and Black people are victims at a disproportionate rate.
Mass Shootings
In the eight years between 2015 and 2022, over 19,000 people were shot and killed or wounded in the United States in a mass shooting.
Industry Accountability
The gun industry plays by a special set of rules that allows it to avoid responsibility and endanger public safety.
Prohibited Gun Possessors
Keeping guns out of the hands of people who are likely to harm themselves or others is the most effective way to prevent gun violence.
Hate Crimes
In an average year, more than 25,000 hate crimes in the US involve a firearm—69 a day.
COVID & Gun Violence
The United States has seen the collision of two major public health crises: COVID-19 and gun violence.