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The Everytown Community Safety Fund supports 501(c)3 organizations implementing community-based violence intervention (CVI) programs operating in cities nationwide as a core component of a comprehensive approach to reducing gun violence in America. We deliver resources to help community-based violence intervention organizations sustain and scale their essential, life-saving work via direct investment through grants, capacity-building training, peer convenings, and advocacy campaigns.

Our Story

The Everytown Community Safety Fund has provided a critical lifeline to community-based violence intervention programs nationwide, helping them sustain their life-saving efforts at the intersection of community and public safety.

Our Work

Our Grantees

Since 2019, the Everytown Community Safety Fund has granted to 136 organizations in more than 69 cities implementing promising, community-based strategies to reduce gun violence as part of our effort to support, sustain, and scale their life-saving work.

Our Team


Michael-Sean Spence (He/Him), Managing Director

Dr. Cherrell Green (She/Her), Associate Director of Engagement and Assessment

Jaunita Pye (She/Her), Associate Director of Programming and Administration

Nathalie Arzu (She/Her), Program Manager

Michaela Clarke (She/Her), Program Manager

Simon Stephanos (He/Him), Program Manager

Advisory Board

Anthony Smith, Executive Director, Cities United

Dr. Caterina Roman, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University

Dr. Chico Tillmon, Director, Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Leadership Academy, University of Chicago Crime Lab

Erica Atwood, Senior Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Initiatives for Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Philadelphia

Amber Goodwin, Founding Director, Community Justice Action Fund

Marcus McAllister, Violence Prevention Consultant, McAllister Consultancy & Training LLC

Dr. Shani Buggs, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis Violence Prevention Research Program

Anne Marks, Violence Prevention Consultant


The Everytown Community Safety Fund regularly develops tools, fact sheets, and reports that amplify the needs and experiences of community-based violence intervention programs as well as the effective solutions being implemented nationwide. The Everytown Community Safety Fund also shares Everytown and partner-developed assets to fuel awareness of emerging trends and promising gun violence reduction strategies to inform the work of grantees and the CVI field at large.

Contact Us

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